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McMaster University

Collaborative for Health and Aging

Publications and Briefing Notes

Research brief: Public engagement in health
policymaking for older adults – a systematic search and scoping review

With the global population aging, increased attention has been
given to developing health policies that can support the needs of older
adults. One way to ensure these policies align with older adults’ needs
and priorities is by involving them in policymaking. In this scoping review, we aim to describe public engagement initiatives designed to help inform health policymaking for older adults and their impacts.

Research brief: Older people as research partners – a systematic review of implementation and impact

Patient and public partners are most likely to be engaged in the execution of research and least likely to be engaged in the preparatory stages of research, say experts from the McMaster Collaborative for Health and Aging. 

Systematic Review: What is the implementation and impact of public or patient involvement (PPI) in health research in adults (age 50+ years)?

In the area of patient engagement, Dr. Rebecca Ganann and Dr. Julia Abelson in collaboration with McMaster Evidence Review and Synthesis Centre (MERSC) team members, Dr. Diana Sherifali and Donna Fitzpatrick-Lewis, are leading a systematic review (currently in progress) examining the implementation and impact of public and patient involvement (PPI). This review aims to explore what are the most effective methods for engaging older adults aged 50+ years in health research. 

Systematic Review: Characteristics and impacts of public engagement in health system decision-making for older adults

A systematic review (currently in progress) of the literature to examine how public engagement has been conducted to inform health policies for older adults at the system level and what has been the impact of public engagement